Thursday, July 5, 2012

XDA Update Checker in Python

I have been checking this url allot lately (last six months). Its the development thread of Android 4: Ice Scream Sandwich for my HTC Desire. So I wrote a small python script to do it for me.
It uses regular expression to separate the title and compares it with the previous one, saved in a text file, to determine if it's new. Here is the code:
URL = ''
SAVE_FILE = 'ics'
REG_EXP = '<title>.+?\] '

import urllib2, re, time, webbrowser

#### Load page
print "Loading page..."
html_content = urllib2.urlopen(URL).read()
#### Search for version info
   match = re.findall(REG_EXP, html_content)[0]
   match = re.findall('\[.+', match)[0] #remove <title>
except IndexError:
   match = "ERROR! Cant match regular expression:" + reg_exp

### Load SaveFile
try: old = open(SAVE_FILE).readline()
except IOError: old = 'file not found'

if old == match:
  ## No new version
   print "Old Version:", match;
   time.sleep(5) #wait and close
  ## Update found!!   
   open(SAVE_FILE, 'w').write(match)
   raw_input("UPDATE! \t"+ match + "\n\nPress any key to open url.") #print and pause

This is a more recent version that is simpler and can check multiple urls. It just prints out the topic title though, without checking if it's new.
URLs = [

import urllib2
for URL in URLs:
   #### Load page
   #print "Loading page: " + URL
   html = urllib2.urlopen(URL).read()

   begin = html.find('<title>')
   end   = html.find('- xda', begin)
   title = html[begin+len('<title>'):end].strip()

   print title
   #print '\n'
raw_input("Press any key")