Monday, July 8, 2013

Ancient Pc Rejuvenation... Hardcore Style


MicroXP is an ultratiny, extrafast version of windows XP by eXPer1ence. It installs in zero time and the installation is unattended. The latest - and probably the last - version can be found as a torrent.


Chrome is known to be the fastest browser around and this also applies for our "special" installation. We are gonna be changing some settings though. That is disabling "Instant" from the corresponding option in the settings page. 
From the chrome://plugins/ page you can disable "Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer", "Native Client " and other plugins you don't need e.g. "Adobe Reader".
You should also refrain from installing unnecessary extensions.

Hosts File

We will use the MVPS HOSTS file to block unwanted connections - including advertisements and adware - without wasting any resources. Download it from ( and copy it to "c:\windows\system\drivers\etc".

Flash Player

For the purposes of this tutorial we will install an older version of the Adobe Flash Player. Specifically the Flash Player 10 seems to be the more efficient version. Currently you can find it - along with other old and discontinued versions - right here --> ( Scroll down to find the "Flash Player archives".

Integration with Google Chrome
Navigate to chrome://plugins/. enable the Details by clicking the link in the upper left corner. Disable Shockwave Flash 11.7 r700 and enable Shockwave Flash 10.3 r183.+
Update(4/2014): It seems like Youtube is using the HTML5 player by default. The solution I am using is to rename the "ffmpegsumo.dll" file in "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\34.0.1847.116" where "34.0.1847.116" is the version number, making Chrome unable to play HTML5 :evil.

Here is some screenshots of different Adobe Flash Player versions used with a Youtube video.

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