Monday, May 14, 2012

[DRAFT]Codejam 2012: Round 1B

This was the first year I participated in Google Codejam. I passed the Qualification round which was far more difficult than I expected. I didn't pass the first round.

However I did write some interesting code to solve Problem C. It's in Python.
'''Output: Second line is one subset. Third line is another subset with the same sum.
For the big input, you cannot find the solution in time. 
However, you can make the script read a part of the input set and hope you will still ger a solution. 
Set slice_index to a value between 100 and 500 to do it.  Use None to read the whole input.
slice_index = 50

import itertools

def solve(S):
    #S: the set of numbers 
    subsets = (c
               for length in range(1,len(S)+1)
               for c in itertools.combinations(S,length)

    #finds a good subset pair
    result = ((i,j)
              for i,j in itertools.combinations(subsets,2)
              if sum(i)==sum(j)

    print "Case #%d:" % (test_case) #, no_new_line
        a, b = next(result)
        print ' '.join(map(str, a))
        print ' '.join(map(str, b))
    except StopIteration:
        print 'Impossible'

fin = open('', 'r')
for test_case, line in enumerate(fin, 1):
    line = map(int, line.split())[1:slice_index]
Here is the Contest Analysis.

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